Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
International PR- Throughout the Semester Blog #2
Framing theory and President Obama and Bernake
According to, framing is a term used in media studies, sociology and psychology, refers to the social construction of a social phenomenon by mass media sources or specific political or social movements or organizations. It is an inevitable process of selective influence over the individual's perception of the meanings attributed to words or phrases. A frame defines the packaging of an element of rhetoric in such a way as to encourage certain interpretations and to discourage others. The framing theory is used many times in the media. One of the more recent is the President Obama and Ben S. Bernake story.
Monday, November 30, 2009
International PR- Throughout the Semester #1
Public Information theory is used many times in the media. This semester the big thing around campus and the world is the Swine Flu (H1N1). There were many stories that were reported on the virus. Many students on Georgia Southerns campus , were diagnosed with the virus. According to, The Swine Flu is a respiratory illness of pigs caused by infection with swine influenza A virus (SIV). While swine flu viruses normally do not infect humans, occasional infections of humans do occur. This epidemic scared many students as well as scared the public. People are trying to make efforts to not spread the virus , as well as not contract the virus at all.
The Public Information theory was used in reporting the Swine Flu information. Public Information theory is basically using the Public Information Officers in reporting to the public. Its what we need to know. Its just pure information. There were Public Information Officers that reported the information on occassions. According to, Public Information Officers (PIOs) are the communications coordinators or spokespersons of certain governmental organizations (i.e. city, county, school district, state government and police/fire departments). They differ from Public Relations departments of private organizations in that many of them typically do not engage in marketing, but solely in providing information to the public and the media as required by law and according to the standards of their profession. Many PIOs are former newscasters or reporters, bringing unique and relevant experience to the position.
An example of when Public Information Officers were used is in this Florida story about the Swine Flu. (click on link for more information on story). Public Information Officers are needed to release stories to the public sometimes because you have one set person that will release the information and one person to contact fro information on the story. This is good because in the midst of a crisis or huge news story , you will need as less confusion as possible.
The media uses Public Information Officers and the Public Information theory many times. They use these because people need to know information and they want to tell truthful information to the public. So overall, i think that this is a good way to get information across to a huge audience (the public). The outcomes of this would be success. This is one theory that is used often in the media and will continue to be used because we need to know whats going on in the world. Internationally, this is a great thing because it is universal and used bu just about everyone.
International PR- Diversity Choice Blog
I attended the International Conversation Hour on October 30,2009. The International Conversation Hour is a really good thing that Center for International Studies created. It is held every Friday from 11:30 a.m. til 1:00p.m. I have volunteered with the International Conversational Hour during my freshman and sophomore years at Georgia Southern. I enjoyed volunteering because it made me feel good when I was able to help a person ,who is not familiar with the United States to become familiar with their new surroundings.
The make up of the audience was people from many countries. The people seemed to be nice, interested in learning about different countries,and excited to be in the United States. This was an accurate representation of the cultures because there were many countries represented in the International Conversation Hour. I had conversations with some of the people there , they answered any of the questions that i had for them. The new information that i learned from the event was the ability of the different countries to come together and to learn from each other. During the time that I volunteered , I really did not have the opportunity to speak with the people because I was busy working. This time was very special to me because I was able to interact with the people.I would attend the International Conversation Hour again. It was a great experience for me and I am glad that I chose this to be my diversity choice event. I cant really compare and contrast this event to an American event because it was not like any American event that I have experienced. I felt very comfortable during the event and felt the people were very welcoming. My overall view of the event was that it was a good for the international students as well as the American students because we all learn from each other. This was a great way to get international students familiar with American students , as well as for us to get familiar with international students. This event was a huge success in my eyes!
There were many things discussed during the time that I attended the International Conversation Hour on October 30,2009. The things presented will be discussed below.

The study abroad and exchange programs , scholarships and financial aid, passport information, and the International Fair were all topics discussed at the International Conversation Hour. Botswana has been added to the list of areas for studying abroad this summer. There is information on how you can apply for this study abroad program, the costs, and what you will need to make this trip available to you. Other areas of study are: Costa Rica,Italy, Spain, and Switzerland.
Scholarships and financial aid were discussed as well. There is more information on the kinds of scholarships available as well as the requirements on the website. Follow the link! Passport information can be found on the web as well under the link for U.S. Passport information on the Center for International Studies website. The final thing that was discussed was the International Fair. Information on how you can volunteer, what kinds of activities were present, pictures from previous International Festivals and much more. Enjoy!.. Also International week is every year , look out for those events being posted on the web... Here is a link to this year's activities:
Pubic Relations Publications-Additional Blog Post # 4
These images were uploaded from google images.
Many printed designs include bleed. The "bleed area" is an extra 1/8 inch of space for design elements or backgrounds that extend beyond the finished size of your piece. A business card design with bleed is printed slightly oversized and then cut down to size, giving the appearance that the printing "bleeds" off the edge of the card, rather than having white borders.
Public Relations Publications -Additional Blog Post #3
- A clear subject line
- Your name & phone number
- Date & time you wish to pick up the printed project
- Number of copies
- Exact type of paper you need
- And the PDF file, of course
The Print Shop is less expensive than most places around the Statesboro area. I have researched these places and found out their prices and that's why I use the Print Shop for all my publications. The trip to the Print Shop was very informative to me. Since i am enrolled in two out of the three classes I listed in the top of this Blog, I really needed to hear the information presented on the Print Shop. I learned all the things that the Print Shop make available to Georgia Southern students. These things are the things that most of us need as final projects in the PR field. I'm getting my graduation invitations printed there as well because of the prices!!!